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Group exhibitions: 

  1. See no/Hear no/Speak no: Flatiron Gallery School of Visual Arts - New York. 

  2. Vincent: from the roots to the stars: Saint-Paul de Mausole -Chemin Saint-Paul, Sant Rémy de Provence - France

  3. FUSE Exhibit an exhibition of work by students of the MPS Digital Photography class of 2015. Curated by faculty member Michael Foley _ New York City

  4. Filter photo festival - Abstract. Juried by Debra Klomp Ching - Chicago, USA

  5. Vuela project - Curated by Ileana Viteri - Quito, Ecuador


A toddler's View. LENS Blog - The New York Times

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See New York through the eyes of a toddler. The New York Post



A baby's-eye view of the Big Apple!.Daily Mail